Electric motor control cabinets
The EMCCs are designed to control electro-mechanical vibrators and vibro-equipment (vibrating tables, vibrating plate compactors) at large. The use of the EMCC makes it possible to adjust vibrators speed of operation, control vibro-equipment operation and operate automatically technological stages.
Using simple solutions, the operator can control only the equipment switching on, but in case of using EMCCs there are possibilities that enable him to control and monitor any working conditions of the vibro-equipment on-site as well as via a remote-control mode.
The motor control cabinets offer the following advantages:
- Smooth controlled start.
- Limitation of starting currents reduces the vibrator and the network load. This protects a vibrator from failure when the tool is powered. Besides, it reduces voltage drops in power lines.
- Elimination of mechanical shocks. Possibility to “skip” the resonant zone ensures mechanical integrity of the unit.
Manufacturing of the concrete products at their optimum frequency makes it possible to:
- obtain smoother surfaces (there is no need for further processing (plastering);
- shorten manufacturing time of one article;
- preserve the concrete mix uniformity and integrity (concrete disintegration, caused by lengthy vibration process, is illuminated);
- reduce cement consumption and use cheaper grades of cement;
- achieve a better concrete mix distribution in the form.
The process of manufacturing, using several vibration frequencies.
- The EMCC application makes it possible to manufacture the product at several frequencies.
- The possibility to compact dry mix concrete.
Dynamic braking
The operator is enabled to stop vibrators practically instantaneously.
The unit at shutdown skips the resonant zone. The situations, when during a shutdown the generated resonance damages and even destroys the moulded product, are eliminated. The idle time, caused by the vibrator awaiting shutdown, is reduced.